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SC12 Case Studies

simon.spicerconsulting • April 9, 2015

Samsung, USA - Johnson Matthey - Motorola - Leica Lithography Systems

Samsung, USA improves imaging to 99%
Having carried out an in-house survey which detected an EMI of 60HZ, Craig Lopp of Samsung, Austin consulted with their Electron Microscope supplier JEOL as how best to overcome the interference it was causing. JEOL suggested that Vibration Engineering, Spicer Consulting's agent in the USA, should be asked to look at the problem affecting the 2 instruments. "Vibration Engineering came in and agreed to set up an SC12 Field Cancelling System for each microscope" explained Craig Lopp, "If they worked, we agreed they would be purchased. They did and the images are now up to 99% of what it should be. They're really simple to use. Once the system was demonstrated to work, we fed all the cables, hooked them up and they've worked ever since."

Johnson Matthey eliminates the risks associated with electromagnetic fields
When Johnson Matthey were planning the installation of their new SEM, they made the decision to install the SC12 as a precautionary measure. As Mr Spratt from the company explains, "We are aware that when examining very small features on a powerful SEM, temperature, vibration and magnetic fields can all cause deviations. We had a survey carried out, prior to installation and although the magnetic field was not excessive it was apparent. It is always better to install a system like the SC12 before the microscope is installed so you can put the loops in the floor and ceiling. When you are making a big investment you have got to be certain that it won't fall over. You have to eliminate as many risks as possible."

The SC12 overcomes beam distortion at Motorola
When Motorola purchased and set up a new Hitachi CDSEM machine for semiconductor work at their East Kilbride plant, they discovered that the beam was being distorted, due to interference from two other machines in the clean room. On Hitachi's recommendation, Sandy Millar who was in charge of the installation, contacted Spicer Consulting, who carried out a full survey, then proposed and commissioned an SC12. "So far, we've never had a problem. All we have had to do on one occasion, when someone knocked one of the sensors, was to press the reset button. I worked quite closely with Spicer Consulting when they came up and you get the feeling that they know exactly what they are doing. I'd recommend them to anyone who had the same problem." [Motorola has since beome Freescale Semiconductor]

Protecting the investment in electron beam technology at Leica Lithography Systems
Leica Lithography Systems at Cambridge have had a long relationship with Spicer Consulting. "It's a matter of cost." summed up Don Wilderspin from Leica, "E-beam clean rooms are vastly expensive to move or shut down because of a problem. If we can fix a problem at source, that's best. If not the SC12 or similar has to be the answer.You'll find that things change in an installation also. The environment does change. Suddenly more load is put on a cable than before and you have a problem that can be the most difficult case of all to sort out unless you have protected yourself from the problem in the first place. The SC12 Field Cancelling System is very easy to use, it's strength is in the fact that it's totally transparent." [Leica Lithography Systems has since become Vistec and merged with Raith]

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